Mei. 31
Csemete muziek kleuterschool
Mei. 27
Inclusion by opportunity to play
Mei. 24
Csemete muziek kleuterschool
Mei. 20
Inclusion by opportunity to play
Mei. 17
Csemete muziek kleuterschool
Mei. 13
Inclusion by opportunity to play
Mei. 10
Csemete muziek kleuterschool
Mei. 6
Inclusion by opportunity to play
On the 19th of November the Parent's Club organizes a new meeting. The theme is: how to choose school for our children, and which school to choose? There are invited delegates from each school in Cluj/Kolozsvar to present their institution. After the presentations the County School Inspectorate's delegate will reflect on the information, and finally the parents may ask questions from the teachers.